▁▂▃▅▆▇ Species Records present ▇▆▅▃▂▁
█ TECHNASIA [ Central中環 ] Album Release Tour █
◢DATE : 2010.06.11th (Fri)
◢VENUE : LegacyTaipei 傳 音樂展演空間
◢ADD : 台北市八德路一段一號‧台北華山創意園區 中五館(No.1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan)
TEL : (02)2741-7065
◢TIME : 23:00 ~ 05:00
▁▂▃▅▆▇ TECHNASIA ▇▆▅▃▂▁
成軍超過15年的Technasia為 Charles Siegling和Amil Khan兩個分別自巴黎與香港的異地組合。他們不斷尋求與來自不同文化和國籍的藝術家合作,發掘了Joris Voorn[荷蘭] / Renato Cohen[巴西] / Dosem [西班牙] 等多位出色DJ/製作人。之後因團員Amil選擇回歸家庭而退出團體,由靈魂支柱Charles Siegling沿續Technasia的精神並推出個人作品。專輯以香港地鐵要站【中環】為名,曲風滿佈流暢的音律加上獨有中國古典風味和 Progressive/Techno並行的格局讓人好生浪漫。特別是Charles Siegling大膽的選曲功力與精準操控3台唱盤技法更讓舞客聞之瘋狂。曾於2004年發行的【Fuse Presents Technasia】實錄混音專輯,更在今年榮獲專業電音網站Resident Advisor評為「2000–2009年最佳50張混音專輯」之一。Technasia身影更在Ibiza的Space 與Amnesia 等全球指標舞廳內演出。此新專輯的發表巡回派對中,【有種唱片】邀請大家一齊在最高規格的展演空間【Legacy Taipei 傳】,感受Technasia散發驚人魅力與呼聲不斷的演出。
Website : www.technasia.com
Myspace : myspace.com/technasia
Technasia is a techno duo that has been active for 15 years, a cross-nation project formed by Charles Siegling and Amil Khan from Paris and Hong Kong, respectively. Constantly seeking to cooperate with artists from different cultures and nationalities, they have discovered many outstanding DJ/producers, such as Joris Voorn (Holland), Renato Cohen (Brazil) and Dosem (Spain). After a period of time, Amil decided to spend more time with his family, and thus chose to leave the project. Charles Siegling continues to carry the Technasia spirit down the road and has released a new solo album. The album is named after Hong Kong subway main station "Central," a romantic infusion of fluid melodies, unique classical Chinese aura and a combination of both Progressive/Techno styles. Aside from artistic production, Technasia is also famous for its live performances. Charles Siegling is notorious in his bold track selection and expertise in mixing 3 decks. His capability to send the crowd in an instant frenzy has been proven in internationally respected clubs such as Ibiza's Space and Amnesia. In addition, Technasia's mix CD "Fuse Presents Technasia" was voted as "Top 50 Mixes of the '00s" by electronic music website Resident Advisor. In the upcoming tour for the new album, "Species Records" invites you all to the best art space in Taiwan, "Legacy Taipei," to experience Technasia's amazing aura and stunning live performance, bound to have you screaming for more!
▁▂▃▅▆▇ SPECIES RECORDS ▇▆▅▃▂▁
喜歡電子音樂的人,幾乎都知曉有種唱片行。有種成立於2004年,集結專業黑膠(黑膠唱片佔所有商品的80%)、音樂相關雜誌,為店內主要特色。有種也是台灣電子音樂文化上的重要推手,從夜店Luxy、The Wall到藝文性質的CAMPO生活藝術狂歡節、誠品音樂黑膠文藝復興運動,戶外的野台音樂祭大型活動,都能看到有種唱片行的努力。目前有種也持續性的積極參與並舉辦派對活動,熱絡台灣電子音樂環境,推廣這種兼具大眾娛樂與人文藝術的音樂文化!
Vertigo | 006 | A-TAO | ANTHANY | D7
PRE-SALE預售 : $700 (1 DRINK)
AT DOOR 現場 : $900 (1 DRINK)
☞持 本活動Flyer 購買現場票, 現折$100!
◢Tickets are available for presale at 預售票點 :
◢◢有種唱片行 SPECIES RECORDS http://www.species-records.com
台北市 昆明街96巷20號2F(電影街前麥當勞巷口進入)
TEL : (02)23755518 營業時間:3:00 PM ~10:00 PM
2F., No.20, Lane 96, Kunming St., Wanhua District, Taipei
◢◢The SOHO
北 市敦化南路一段149號1~5F http://www.thesoho.com.tw/
TEL : (02)2751-1338 營業時間:12:00 PM~02:00 AM
No.149, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei
◢活動場地資訊 :
傳 音樂展演空間 www.legacy.com.tw
台 北市八德路一段一號‧台北華山創意園區 中五館
(No.1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan)
TEL : (02)2741-7065
◢◢本園區設有停車場,提供24小時停車服務,平日每小時 30元,假日每小時50元。
1.限年滿 18 歲者持身份證件與購票入場。
3.謝絕穿著拖鞋與服裝不整者 入場。
8.酒後不開車,開車不喝酒,以保障您和他人生命財產 安全。