對於台灣樂迷而言, 相較於Dexpistols/80Kidz/The Lowbrows等日本Nu-Electro指標勢力, 本名Takashi Otagin的SoccerBoy或許顯得較為默默無名, 但其實他早已以Underground姿態活躍於日本Indie Dance圈, 而我自己則是透過Warp雜誌的推薦接觸到去年的那張精采Mixtape作品"Sucker Bombaclaat vol.1.2", 從而對SoccerBoy這個名字多加留意.

01. Intro ft. MC 恐竜 aka King Of The Shinjuku Jungle
02. Turn The Page - The Streets
03. We’re All Devo - Devo
04. I Want You Back (Chew Fu Big Room Fix) - Jackson 5
05. An Open Letter To NYC (Chew Fu Refix) - Beastie Boys
06. Sabotage (DJ Kue’s OMG Remix) - Beastie Boys
07. Super Disco Breakin’ (Project Cyborg Remix) - Beastie Boys
08. She’s On It - Beastie Boys
09. Intergalactic (Yellus Remake) - Beastie Boys
10. Intergalactic (Jizm & Man Eat DJ Jackin Remix) - Beastie Boys
11. Funky Shit - The Prodigy
12. Keep On Waiting (Thomas Andersson Remix) - DJ Hell
13. Stranj - Green Velvet
14. For Sale (Felix Da Housecat Rude Mix) - Buy Now
15. 1967 Poem - Junkie XL
16. Rocker (Erol Alkan’s Deaf Disco Re-edit) - Alter Ego
17. Daft Punk Is Playing At My House (Soulwax Shibuya Re-remix) - LCD Soundsystem
18. Star 69 (Jackinori They Fuck Remix) - Fatboy Slim
19. Has It Come To This (Mike Mago Remix) - The Streets
20. Peep This (Steed Lord Hospital Remix) - DJ Sam young ft. Aphletik
21. Love & War (LA Riots Remix) - Photek
22. Competition (Ocelot Remix) - Dragonette
23. We Made It (Chew Fu Big Room Fix) - Busta Rhymes ft. Linkin Park
24. リ____ダ (TK450 [T]) - T__ B___ H_____
25. Jump (Dave Dirt Remix) - Kris Kross
26. Bad Boy for Life (La Mode Bad Mother Fuckas Fuckup) - P. Diddy
27. Creep (Norrit Remix) - TLC
28. Tom’s Diner (Tittsworth Edit) - Suzanne Vega
29. Stand By Me - Lauren Hill
30. Stand By Me - Rockapella
31. Stand By Me (Chew Fu ft. Steve Clisby Big Room Fix) - Ben E. King
32. Born To Be Wild (Chew Fu Fix ft. A-Clay & Lee Majors) - Steppenwolff
33. Thunderstruck (Tittsworth Remix) - AC/DC
34. Eat The Rich (TK450 [K]) - Aerosmith
35. I’m Waiting For The Man (TK450 [T]) - Velvet Underground
36. Blitzkrieg Bop (Tittsworth Edit) - The Ramones
37. New Rose (TK450 [K]) - The Damned
38. B____n’ (TK450 [K]) - B’_
39. Y_h Y_h Y_h (TK450 [K]) - C____ & A___
40. 浪__行 (TK450 [K]) - 米____
41. Just What I Needed (Tittsworth Edit) - The Cars
42. Digital Love - Wonky Pop AllStars
43. Digital Love (Red Foxx’s Bmore Suprise Mix) - Daft Punk
44. San Francisco (Soohan’s People in Motion Edit) - Scott McKenzie
45. 1979 (TK450 [K]) - The Smashing Pumpkins
46. Come Sail Away (TK450 [T]) - Styx
47. Bizarre Love Triangle - Computer Club
48. Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order
49. 24 Hour Party People (Jon Carter’s Main Vocal) - Happy Mondays
50. サ__ラ (TK450 [T]) - G__
51. Outro ft. Jasmin Galbitch
Sucker Bombaclaat vol.1.2 by japanesesuperhero
在這張Mixtape中,不單那快速且輾轉反轍的Mixture-Mashups-Electro DJ接歌手法令人為之驚豔, 此外還可發現到原來他也跟好友Kan Takahiko聯手以TK450這個化名製作許多搖滾歌曲的Booleg Remix版本(如The Velvet Underground,Aerosmith,The Blue Heart,The Offspring,
Shout At The Devil - Motley Crue from TK450 on Vimeo.
Linda Linda - The Blue Hearts from TK450 on Vimeo.
1979 - The Smashing Pumpkins from TK450 on Vimeo.
另一方面, 他所主裡的獨立廠牌Tokyo Fun Party集結一群優秀的獨立音樂人蓄勢待發, 去年為Digiki發表的"Dense Music"專輯便是一張大獲好評的Electro-Techno作品.
而在八月, SoccerBoy發表了他的首張官方DJ-Mix專輯"My Dear Horse", 由HMV獨占發售, 當中包含了Intro To Rock/French Touch Strikes Back/My Definition Of New Rave Music/Massive Allzumassive/Japs Can't Dance/The Chant六大段落, 發片同時HMV還安排了一個SoccerBoy x DJ Kyoko x Galbitch的三方對談!!!

Segment 1 "Intro to Rock"
01. Digiki /Pancaked Again (Overcooked by Jean Nipon)
02. Human Resourse / Dominator (Hervé Remix)
03. Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman / I Like To Move It (Erick "More" Club Mix)
04. Peter Gelderblom / Waiting 4 (Original Mix)
05. Wiley / Cash In My Pocket (Chew Fu Big Room Fix)
Segment 2 "French Touch Strikes Back"
06. Tiga / Shoes (Mr. Oizo Remix)
07. Digiki / Pancaked Again (Overcooked by Jean Nipon)
Segment 3 "My Definition of New Rave Music"
08. Math Head / Turn The Music Up (Original Mix)
09. Kan Takahiko / Dolphin (Original Mix)
10. Human Resourse / Dominator (Hervé Remix)
11. Kan Takahiko / Miss Vanessa (Original Mix)
12. The Kills / Cheap And Cheerful (Fake Blood Remix)
Segment 4 "Massive, Allzumassive"
13. Major Lazer / Lazer Boom 1 (Album Mix by Diplo)
14. M. G. Knight Riders / Free Generation (SoccerBoy Otagi Remix)
15. Buraka Som Sistema / Wawaba (Radioclit Remix)
16. Diplo & Buraka Som Sistema / Inna De Ghetto (Remix)
17. Radioclit / Secousse All Stars (Original Mix)
18. SoccerBoy / Of Breaks And Men (Club Edit)
Segment 5 "Japs Can't Dance"
19. Kan Takahiko / Galbitch Is Dead (Original Mix)
20. Sinden & Count Of Monte Cristal / Everybody Rocking
21. The Count & Sinden / Hardcore Girls feat. Rye Rye (Original Mix)
22. Kumisolo / Nasty Boy (SoccerBoy Otagiremix)
23. SoccerBoy / Fathersucking Galbitch Is My Motherfucking Wife (Original Mix)
Segment 6 "The Chant"
24. Jean Claude Ades & Vincent Thomas / Shingaling (Original Mix)
25. The Chap / Ethnic Instrument (Joakim Mix)
26. Re-united / Sun Is Shining (Funkerman Remix)
27. Richard Grey / One More Time (Richard Grey Subliminal Mix)
28. Linda Lamb / King Meadowlands
更重要的是, SoccerBoy即將於本週六訪台為"Old School Old Skull"這個Party擔任Guset DJ, 絶對會是一場刺激無比的Rock x Electro x Drum & Bass x ......派對, 請務必一同來Party Hard!!!

Collaboration Party
2009.08.29 (SAT) @ The Wall
Start: 11:30
Guest DJ:
SoccerBoy ( Tokyo Fun Party)
Tokyo Fun Party主腦,擅長以瘋狂快速DJ-Mixing手法,
Local DJ:
DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀 (BRAiNCHiLD / M@M Boutique)
BRAiNCHilD主腦,DJ / Party Promoter / 音樂文字工作者 / 音樂潮流店舖主理
DJ Spykee (Danc Rock Taipei)
DRTP活動企劃主腦 / The Wall Party Promoter
前Spin,Partyroom駐場DJ / MANIA Taipei Store Manager
Admission 票價:
預售(Advance): NT500 with 1 drink
現場(At Door): NT600 with 1 drink
CASINO & SYNDICATE 台北市萬華區昆明街96巷6-2號1樓 02-2375-1536
OVERKILL西門店 台北市昆明街96巷4號2F 02-2314-5671
OVERKILL敦南店 台北市敦化南路一段161巷15號 02-2776-5456
MANIA 西門店 台北市昆明街96巷12號1F 02-2375-7995
M@M Boutique 台北市忠孝東路4段112號4F之3 02-8771-5688
WHITE ROCK 台北市敦化南路一段169巷3號1樓 02-2711-3665
MACHI 台北市忠孝東路4段181巷35弄7號1F 02-8771-4943
SMOKA 桃園市中正路77巷4號 03-3350033
SKINDEEP 中壢市中正路97巷7號 03-280-5441
The Wall 這牆音樂藝文展演空間
2 則留言:
shit, I wanna go