Dirty Fingers
GAINES(Roc Trax)
DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀
Start: 21:00
NYからDJ Dirty Fingers、パリからJean Nippon、台湾からDJ Mykalが集まるLe Baron流サラダボウルナイト!
A Le Baronian salad bowl night with Dirty Fingers from New York, Jean Nippon from Paris and DJ Mykal from Taipei.
From Paris, Jean Nipon, from New York dance floor graduate Dirty Fingers and from Taipei iconic DJ Mykal all assemble under one roof. From Japan, Harajuku subculture king and the director of cult brand KIRI is joined by Kiboo and Koboo, who do production for MTV and combine to form DJ unit GAINES. They will also be joined by Nanmix, who is popular in Taiwan and Hong Kong. These guys will produce a sound that's going to shake you right down to the bones!
パリはInstitubesからJean Nipon、New Yorkのダンスフロア出身者Dirty Fingers、そして台北のアイコン的存在DJ Mykalが一同に集まる今夜。日本勢には、裏原文化を牽引した一人、REVOLVERのディレクターKIRI、MTVへの楽曲制作も手掛けるKIBOOとKOBOOによる双子DJユニットGAINES、そして台湾や香港にも活動の場を広げるNanmixが参戦。骨髄まで響くサウンドにどっぷり浸かちゃってください!
ジーン・ニポン(Jean Nipon from Institubes)
Institubes所属。ハードコアバンドのドラマーから1997年DJに転向。日本の文化やポップアートに精通しており、日本に一年間滞在していたことも。KATAPULT(カタプルト:ミニマルテクノをパリに広めたレコードレーベル)へのアーティスト参加を通じてDJ WETと出会い、TEAMTENDO(ティームテンド)というバンドも結成している。コカ・コーラボトルのデザインを手掛けるなどデザイナーとしての一面も見せる傍ら、毎年パリで開催されるモンスター・パーティー『PANIK』や、名門クラブParis ParisのレジデントDJを務め、時に見せる7時間に及ぶDJセットは有名。
DJ ダーティー・フィンガー(DJ Dirty Finger)
ニューヨークのブルックリンが生んだダンスフロアマスターDJ Dirty Finger.
Webster hall, Santos party houseなどでもプレイし、NYのプレス、Best of New Yorkで最も好きなブルックリンのDJに投票された彼がルバロンに初登場!
DJ マイカル(Mykal aka 林哲儀)
台北で10年以上のキャリアを持つアイコン的存在のDJ。音楽やファッションに造詣が深く、音楽業界ではマーケティング、ファッション業界ではライターとして、また台北ファッションウィークでは音楽を担当するなど多岐に渡って活躍。日本のDEXPISTOLS、Fantastic Plastic Machine、VERBALをはじめ、DJ Shadow、DJ Krush、Bad Company、Adam Fなど世界各国の著名DJと共演している。また、台湾の人気俳優チェン・ボーリンとクリエイティブユニット@BRAiNCHiLDを結成している。
From Paris, Jean Nipon, from Los Angeles dance floor graduate Dirty Fingers and from Taipei iconic DJ Mykal all assemble under one roof. From Japan, Harajuku subculture king and the director of cult brand KIRI is joined by Kiboo and Koboo, who do production for MTV and combine to form DJ unit GAINES. They will also be joined by Nanmix, who is popular in Taiwan and Hong Kong. These guys will produce a sound that's going to shake you right down to the bones!
Jean Nipon (institubes)
Jean Nipon is one of the institubes originals. He started out as a drummer in hardcore bands and got into DJing circa 1997. He is well versed in Japanese culture and pop art and also has lived in Japan for a year. When Jean was at the record label Katapult for two years, he met DJ WET and set up the band Teamtendo. He plays at Paris Paris, which is a prestigious club in Paris, as a resident and famous for his seven-hour sets. The multi talented DJ has also designed a bottle of Coke.
DJ Dirty Finger
Dj Dirtyfinger "Ass motivator extraordinaire", from BROOKLYN! :) He has been rocking parties of every possible size in NYC for the last 8 years. He DJ with the wide open genre bending style that kills in all the Brooklyn loft and warehouse parties. He also play the club and bar scene, large venues like Webster hall, Santos party house, events at places like The Natural History Museum, The Getty Museum, and BIKE KILL!! also hold down a weekly residency at Happy Ending. He opened for all kinds of acts including Japanther, The DeathSet, The Black Lips, Dj Jazzy Jeff, The Rub, Gang Gang Dance, Ninjasonik, etc......
Last year He was voted "Favorite Brooklyn DJ" in the NYpress "best of New York" readers poll!
Kiri founded the label Revolver in 1998, at the peak of the Ura-Harajuku boom. His official title is director of the brand, but he has links to many industries and is a famous figure on the Tokyo scene.
DJ Mykal aka 林哲儀
With a 10-year career in Taiwan he is an iconic figure in his home city. His knowledge of music and fashion is very deep and in the music world he dabbles in marketing, and in the fashion world he operates as a writer, while he also is in charge of music for Taipei Fashion Week. He has played alongside many top artists from all over the world, including DJ Shadow、DJ Krush、Bad Company、Adam F and Japanese artists such as DEXPISTOLS and Fantastic Plastic Machine. Also, Asia All Asian countries, he is famous for his part in BRAiNCHiLD, a unit whose other half is actor Wilson Chen.
Aoyama Center Bldg Blf 3-8-40 Minami-Aoyama Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062