此外由m-flo音樂主腦 Taku Takahashi 所主理的pirate radio與音樂廠牌TCY, 請大家務必check!!! 最新一期TCY Radio節目請大家收聽
You can only gain entrance to this special event with an adicolor ticket. Party tickets can be obtained in one of 2 ways:
1) A one-time purchase of adidas Originals product(s) totaling more than NTD6,000 between now and Oct. 20 in select adidas Originals stores throughout Taiwan.
2) Wear an adidas Originals top to one of our KISS Wednesday Ladies’ Night parties (9/29, 10/06, 10/13, 10/20) and hav⋯⋯e your picture taken by us. You’ll get a party ticket and we’ll post your picture on our facebook’s adicolor event. To find us at KISS, just ask one of the bartenders for “Liquid Lifestyle” and they’ll point you in the right direction.
In addition to free entry, you’ll also receive a FREE special adicolor party pack (market valued at NT$1500) at the event!
入場限定- adicolor Party邀請函
這場特別活動的方式限定憑adicolor Party邀請函入場,唯有2種不同方式才可以取得:
1) 即日起~10/20(三) 到全省 adidas Originals 指定店點消費單筆滿NT$6,000元,即贈adicolor Party邀請函一張。
2) 穿著adidas Originals當季上衣參加我們的KISS週三熟女之夜派對 (9/29、10/06、10/13、10/20) 並請LLP的工作人員幫你拍照留念,就有機會得到adicolor Party邀請函一張。我們還會將你的照片擺上我們Facebook – adidas Originals adicolor Party活動頁面上。記得到KISS週三熟女之夜派對,詢問現場的服務生或吧台人員 “Liquid Lifestyle” 的工作人員在哪即可!
憑邀請函更可於活動現場獲贈只送不賣的adicolor Party Only 驚喜派對裝備一份 (市價超過NT$1,500元)!
1. adicolor Party invitation is not for sale, each invitation is good for one free guest entry. Please present the invitation at the door where an adidas staff will be collecting.
2. adicolor Party is a paint party, guests must be aware that they will get paint splattered on . We suggest that you are aware of what you will be wearing at the event might get ruined.
3. On-site lockers are very limited, so please do not bring any precious items with you to this event. Guests are responsible for your own belonging.
4. Guests will be asked to sign an event agreement prior to entering the adicolor Party, for your own safety and rights. If the guest is not in the best health condition, we suggest that you do not attend the event.
5. adidas Original reserves all rights to the event. For more detailed information, please call (02)2509-5900.
1. adicolor Party邀請函只送不賣,每張僅供乙人進場,請於入場時出示票券由工作人員回收。
2. adicolor Party中部份節目將潑灑各色顏料,建議您慎選出席活動的原創穿著。
3. 現場置物櫃數量有限,請盡量輕便入場並將隨身攜帶貴重物品,來賓須自行承擔個人服裝或物品的損害遺失責任。
4. 進入會場前須填寫活動同意書方可入場,以確保您的安全與權益。活動當天如有身心不適狀況,建議您不要參與以策安全。
5. adidas Originals保有更動最後活動內容之權利,詳情洽服務專線(02)2509-5900 查詢。