想得到本週五Jack Beats@The Loft的門票嗎? 只要在週三晚上過午夜前回答下面的問題, 將答案e-mail到dancingthroughsundaypresents@gmail.com, 你就有機會得到!!!
Please do not post your answers in the comments section, send your answers to dancingthroughsundaypresents@gmail.com by midnight Wednesday! We will draw from the submissions!
在下面所PO的Jack Beats最新Essential Mix中, 他們在什麼時間點放了他們所做的La Roux "I'm Not Your Toy (Jack Beats Remix)"?
In Jack Beats' newest Essential Mix (02-20-2010) at what time do they drop their remix of 'I'm not your Toy' by La Roux?
Essential Mix (20-02-2010)- Jack Beats by Dooz Le Witz
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