Dancing Through Sunday & The Loop Productions Present
>>>>>NEON Nights at the LOFT<<<<<
Electro, Electro, ELECTRO, NU Rave, Indie Dance, Indie Electro Nights! Every Friday, all electro, all night in the freshest and most electric venue! Holy shit, right? Taiwan, you showed us you were ready. You packed the floors at Steve Aoki, 2 Many DJ's, Diplo, Designer Drugs, Adam Freeland, Shitdisco.. Now every week, same music, same vibe, YOU GOTTA DANCE DIRTYYYYY! 從去年Adam Freeland, Shitdisco, Steve Aoki, 到今年才剛過沒多久的2 Many DJ’s, Diplo, Designer Drugs場場爆滿, 台灣對electro的瘋狂程度大家都眼見為憑.. 所以!!! 為了大家對electro的渴望, Dancing Through Sunday 和 The Loop Production 於3月26日開始, 攜手推出, 每個星期五Electro Friday --- NEON NIGHTS AT THE LOFT!!! 填滿每場國際演出之間的electro乾旱.. 首場演出主打從吉隆坡來的LAPSAP!!!! LAPSAP!!! LAPSAP!!!! LAPSAP!!!!! LAPSAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kickstarting it all on Friday March 26th, 2010 is LAPSAP!!!!!! Neon Nights at the LOFT Neon Nights at the LOFT Neon Nights at the LOFT Neon Nights at the LOFT Neon Nights at the LOFT 首場演出藝人 : ***LAPSAP (吉隆坡) ***DJ Mykal a.k.a. 林哲儀***Matty D***
>>>>>>>LAPSAP<<<<<<<< Zouk / KL, Malaysia
中文簡介: LAPSAP是廣東話發音, 其意為垃圾.. LAPSAP沒空跟你搞嚴肅, 只有跟垃圾一樣智障的對話, 跟垃圾一樣瞎的經驗, 還有跟垃圾一樣”蛤?”的fashion.. 反正就是跟垃圾一樣扯的everything!! 因為LAPSAP的垃圾都是金色的!! 金色的!! 金!!色!!的!!!!! LAPSAP曾與Bloody Beetroots, 2 Many Dj’s, Shinichi Osawa, Shitdisco, Sex Invaders, Clash The Disco Kids, Brodinski, 還有the Dexpistols等藝人同台演出, 當然不只這些, 但是名單太長了所以只列出以上.. LAPSAP於2010跨年派對為THE BLOODY BEETROOTS開場.. 幫TBB開場可不是隨便一個DJ就可以辦到的事... LAPSAP不僅幫TBB開場, 還在開場SET就讓舞池達到不只是一般程度的高潮!! 詳情請參考原版英文介紹, 或請把網頁往下拉, 參考呈現真實狀況的影片, 謝謝!
原版英文: WE ARE LAPSAP: 5ft and Mr Puah spent 1 minute in the Zumlaffen Correctional Centre after causing a stir in the design and hairdressing community. Their eclectic taste in music ranging from pop, electronic, rock to well, just about anything that sounds good was too much for them people at the Correctional Centre to handle. So they were pardoned… 5ft and Mr Puah were quite disappointed though. They fancied the centre’s menu offerings of meat spare parts and bitter gourd! Disappointed, they were thrown to the Loft at Zouk. This was where they saw the rainbow and stumbled upon a leprechaun. The leprechaun advised them to take rubbish seriously. And when they discover the true value of rubbish, they will find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 5ft and Mr Puah then set off on this mission to find the true value of rubbish by throwing unique private rubbish parties themed Lapsap (rubbish in Cantonese). There’s just no room for seriousness, just rubbish from conversation, experiences, fashion… anything that’s full of shit! Lapsap are from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and have played with names such as Bloody Beetroots, 2 Many Dj’s, Shinichi Osawa, Shitdisco, Sex Invaders, Clash The Disco Kids, Brodinski, and the Dexpistols to name a few. “Youth cults come and go. Lapsap is where it’s at. The private party founded by DJs Blink and Xu in 2007 has quickly gone from cult to scene, with its own style, fashion and sound. Taking the trash aesthetic that has spurred micro-club culture worldwide the pair wanted a name that, according to Blink ‘looked good and reflected us and our culture as well’. So they called it Lapsap, meaning ‘rubbish’ in Cantonese, cutting their ties with the old Nu-Rave tagged night, and laying the foundations for the anything goes filthy electro that has become its trademark sound.” (Matt Armitage)
>>>>>>>>Matty D<<<<<<<<<
Swank, Taichung
相信大家對 Swank DJs並不陌生.. 隸屬Swank DJs的Matty D 五年以來, 從發生在台中的週末Swank Party旋風, 2009墾丁激音改造, 到今年結束了自身修行復出後的首場party跟DJ Spykee Fat在台中造成了全國各地粉絲都往台中跑的瘋狂現象... Matty D曾與 Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.) 同台演出.. 今後Matty D的Big Beats, 群眾魅力, 還有很爆笑的舉動將會全部在Neon Nights at the Loft 高度曝光.. 各位請拭目以待!
Matty Diesel has been making the dance floors of Taiwan move for the last 5 years. With his distinct blend of electro house , indie dance, breaks, and big ass bass, Matty always brings something fresh.
Having shared stages with the likes of Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.), Spykee (Taiwan), plus many other talented djs, Matty Diesel's passion for dance music comes out at every show. With his animated stage presence, big beats, and interaction with the crowd, every show is different and not to be missed.
Neon Nights at the Loft 所有活動, 詳情, 更新等訊息, 都會於Dancing Through Sunday官方網站首先上線, 請密切注意網站更新以保障自身權益, 謝謝!
Streetlife DJs - Pandemonium Boys Noize - Transmission (Tiga Remix) 山嵐 - Pride Afrojack - Bangduck Lee Mortimer & Foamo - Superman (Streetlife DJs remix) Computer Juice - Computer Juice (D.I.M. & TAI Remix) Delphic - Halcyon (L-Vis 1990 Remix) Udachi - P-Funk Skank (B.Rich Remix) Taar - Hello-Ween Sennen - Bizarre Love Triangle Felix Cartal - Popular Music Joy Orbison - Hyph Mngo (Andreas Saag's House Perspective) LAZRtag - Never Gonna Stop Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (Breakage's Tight Rope Remix) Noisia - Machine Gun (Spor Remix) NROTB - Droplet (Felix Cartal Remix) Sakanaction - アルクアラウンド Shy Child - Disconnected (Ocelot Remix) The Subs - Mitsubitchi (Bobermann Remix) The XX - VCR (Matthew Dear Remix) Danny Byrd ft. Liquid - Sweet Harmony Douster - King of Africa (Last Japan Sub Bass mix) Hostage - Loft In Bass Kingdom - Mind Reader (feat. Shyvonne) (L-Vis1990 Remix) Korallreven - Loved-Up (Nhessingt Remix) Makoto And Deeizm - Untold Rockwell - Noir Bart B More - Romane (Rubix Remix) Lostprophets - It's Not The End Of The World But I Can See It From Here Peaches - Lose You (Drums Of Death Mixtape Version Dub) Rusko - Woo Boost (Subskrpt Remix) The Golden Filter - Hide Me Yes Giantess - Demons (Body Language Remix) Chinese Christmas Cards - Welcome To Life Fabio Lendrum - Trouble (Drop The Lime Remix) Free The Robots - Orion's Belt Buckle Jump Jump Dance Dance - Show Me The Night (Human Life's West Coast Girls Remix) Marshall Libex - Black Conga Yeasayer - O.N.E. (XXXChange Remix) Penguin Prison - Something I'm Not